Down Jumps Down the Stairs Funny

Darth Vader found his new wife near the stairs...

Her name is Ellie Vader

I asked my grandpa, "How are you enjoying the new stair lift?"

Grandpa: I hate it. It's driving me up the wall.

My dad fell down the stairs and broke his arm.

He couldn't stop laughing though, it was a humerus situation.

Never trust stairs, they are always up to something

What do you call a narcissistic criminal walking down the stairs?

A condescending

Con descending

What do you call it when a felon goes down stairs


How do you fall down the stairs?

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 6

Step 11

Step 16 Floor

I had an argument with my brother about how to get to the next floor in the mall because he refused to use the stairs or the elevator

My next thought was: "Well, that escalated quickly"

Why shouldn't anyone trust stairs?

Because they're always upto something

I broke up with my partner on our front stairs.

It was a stoop end this situation

My mom's new husband told me a joke about stairs that wasn't all that funny

I didn't relate to it.

Hey, I guess you could say it was a step dad joke.

On more than one level.

My sister prefers taking the stairs, but I always take the elevator.

I guess..we are raised differently.

The elevator at work was broken so I took the stairs...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now no one can get down.

I've offered my elderly neighbour $20 to try out her stair lift.

I think she's going to take me up on it.

My brother stumbled and fell down the stairs

It wasn't a pleasant trip.

What happened when the geese fell down stairs?

They all got goose bumps.

How to draw stairs (step by step)

The answer is in the title.

I've just finished writing a book about using stairs...

It's a step by step guide.

Wanna hear a joke about stairs?

It's hysterical

A mean crook going down stairs =

A condescending con, descending.

I have designed a way to combine cell phone and moving stair technologies. Want to know what it's called?


I had to pull of the road to post this cause I've been laughing at myself for the last 5 miles.

Ughh..don't trust 'em stairs, they're always up to something

Why can't you trust stairs?

Because they are always up to something

I don't trust stairs.

They are always up to something.

I don't trust stairs

They're always up to something

I Never Trusted Stairs

They always lead up to something.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fall down stairs!

Step 28

Step 27

Step 24

Step 21

Step 16

Step 12

Step 7

Step 3

Step 1

I dont trust stairs

They're always up to something

I don't trust stairs.

They're always up to something

I don't trust stairs

They're always up to something...

My brother always takes the stairs, but I prefer taking the elevator.

I guess we are raised differently.

I asked my grandpa, "How are you enjoying the new stair lift?"

Grandpa: It has it's ups and downs

I don't trust stairs

They're always up to something.

I don't like stairs.

They're always up to something.

I don't trust stairs.

They're always up to something or they always let you down.

I'm writing a book about falling down stairs...

It's a step by step guide.

I've never trusted stairs.

They're always up to something.

From my kids... Would you like a guide to falling down the stairs.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 6 Step 9...

I don't trust stairs...

^(because they're always up to something.)

Wanna know why I don't trust stairs?

They're always up to something...

I don't trust stairs... you wanna know why?

Because they're always up to something!

"I don't trust stairs."

"They're always up to something."

My dad once told me a joke about stairs.

It's was a stepdad joke.

I don't trust stairs

They are always up to something.

I bought a book called "How to walk up stairs."

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 ....

How to fall down a flight of stairs

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 4:

Step 9 :

Step 17:

Step 36:


My brother prefers to take the stairs but I prefer the escalator.

I guess we were raised differently.

I don't trust stairs

They're always up to something

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